Website with an extreme security
What kind of security
Yoctown’s platform is completely secure with the HTTPS protocol. The HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is the combination between HTTP and a SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption layer. Those are securing protocols of exchanges on Internet. The latter allows the server authentication, confidentiality and integrity of exchanged data.
The HTTPS allows checking a website’s identity by way of an authentication certificate made by an authority unconcerned by the website visited by Internet users. This authority is known for being reliable. The HTTPS is frequently used on online payment websites or even for e-mails consultation. As a result, a HTTPS website is more reliable and secure than a HTTP website. The HTTPS protocol guarantees the confidentiality and the integrity of data that the user sends and receives.
Why security
Yoctown offers an entirely secure platform in order to reduce as much as possible the potential risks regarding websites without a security protocol use. Since Yoctown allows its members creating e-commerce websites, but also creating forms or even managing its clients, securing is necessary in order to avoid any risk from malevolent people or software.
Since you use a password for logging in your website, Yoctown, for purposes of guaranteeing its users’ security, offers a secure homepage so that the data you enter cannot be taken without your knowing by malevolent people or software. One of Yoctown’s seven commandments is to guarantee security for hosted websites as well as stored data.
An omnipresent security
Yoctown is completely secure, that is to say that not only the homepage and the platform pages are secure (like for example the tutorial or sections pages “About”, “products”, and “materials”), but also the websites’ different pages which would have been created by Yoctown and their administrative interfaces.