Website units
Make your website attractive : Integrate units
For an optimal professionalism, and in order to avoid monotony, a website has to contain different units. These are types of pages. Each type has its characteristics and its specific use. For example, a professional website must have different units, not only for SEO, but also for clients’ satisfaction.
A website with different units will extend the time Internet users spend on its website. In fact, if your website has one or several sections related to multimedia (whether it is photo albums or pages including videos), the Internet user will show more interest for the website.
In order to clarify the differences and the uses, here is a description below for each unit.
The different units
Blog module :
It allows you writing news, articles with photos or videos (YouTube and Dailymotion videos) and to receive comments.
You can receive messages, also called comments, from your visitors. The different posts or articles that you could post can be classified in chronological order. In this way, it will be fast and easy for visitors to find your old publications on the blog.
The photo album unit :
Share your pictures in one click ! It allows your visitors seeing your products, your premises, your photo albums, for example your party or your last holiday pictures. Give the chance to upload en masse entire picture books, print them, name them and let your friends and clients comment. In fact, there is an option called « comments from visitors »
The web page unit :
It allows you, as its name implies, creating simple web pages with a very specific page setting. Write by yourself your own pages and integrate pictures, videos, smileys, mathematics formula (thanks to a mathematics-specialized software), graphs…
The form unit :
It allows your visitors sharing their opinion with you, posting their orders, asking you questions. But also, requesting a cost estimate. Create your customized forms, select your fields’ name, the kind of these fields (texts, lists, check-boxes…) among the different possibilities, and there it is. You will be able to create a client list too.
The Google Maps unit :
Import cartography from the Google Maps service in one click. It allows your visitors locating your activity very quickly, or showing to your friends where your next party will take place. It can be useful for companies with a service or business activity which needs a move on a specific site. Besides, there is a chance for visitors to determine what is or are the possible routes to go to your company’s premises.
Units use
Insofar as possible, the different units mentioned above have to be used at the same time on a same website. In fact, a website with only texts or images cannot be suitable for some Internet users who will found it too repetitive. Likewise with the search engines’ robots, expecting a pertinent, interesting but also rich content from a website. In fact, a website offering different units especially if it is professional, will be more persuasive for established and potential clients. Adding a blog is not something to neglect when you are in position to supply it frequently : it shows that your company cares about keeping a direct link with clients.